Make Your Lawn the Envy of the Neighbours!

Top Quality Fertilizer + Crabgrass +Weed Control Program

Serving Windsor – Essex – LaSalle – Amherstburg – Harrow – Kingsville-Tecumseh-Lakeshore Areas

Why Purchase a Lawn Care Program?

If you are searching for a lawn weed control and fertilizer program you are in good hands with Turf Care!

Water alone will not get you the lawn you are longing for!  Lawns need regular feeding to maintain vigour, colour, growth and above all, a healthy level of disease resistance.

As lawn care and fertilizer specialists we can resolve an unsightly and tired looking lawn to restore it back to health.  We have worked with all types of disaster lawns and encourage a challenge!

Lawn Crabgrass Treatment

When Crabgrass becomes a problem it can be extremely difficult to eliminate.  A severe infestation can take up to five years to eliminate through the use of pre-emergents and post emergent treatments.  Our spring treatment begins when soil temperatures hit more than 60 degrees.   When you require help with Crabgrass, Turf Care is one call away!

Lawn Weeds / Broadleaf Weed Control Services

When a lawn becomes too populated with weeds, this is proper practice to eliminate or control the infestation of broadleaf weeds in the turf area.  A liquid spray  is offered 2-4 times a season as in our Care Max Treatment Program.

Insect Control  Services

Often times infestations of Lawn Grubs, Chafer beetles, Chinch Bugs, Army worm and many others can cause severe damage to turf areas if let go for extended periods.  Turf Care offers inspections for these pests and also offers a granular treatment to control or suppress the pests and allow the lawn to heal.

Over Seeding

Over seeding is one of the quickest and most effective ways to rejuvenate your lawn. Over seeding is the application of grass seed to your existing lawn which replenishes the old grass.

Over seeding will improve the quality of your lawn increasing shade and drought tolerance whilst also improving your lawns resistance to diseases.


This will thin out and remove the thatch and moss invasion that has built up. This is particularly effective following our Spring or Autumn treatments. De-thatching is a process perhaps best described as a mechanical raking of the lawn; its primary purpose is to remove thatch from the lawn although it has associated benefits as well. The machine used has a series of sharp tungsten blades that rotate at high speed and cut into the turf in a vertical manor.

What our clients are saying:


If you are interested in a lawn sprinkler system, call our sister company, Thirsty Turf Lawn Sprinklers to schedule your system install quote today.

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Our Main Lawn Care Service Annual Program

The Original Care Max Lawn Care Treatment Plan

  • Spring Crabgrass Treatment With Fertilizer Application
  • Late June & August Slow Release Fertilizer Application
  • May & September Weed Control
  • Late Fall Fertilizer Application
  • Free Summer Inspection for insects
  • (Insect Treatment Optional)

From $528.15* plus HST

*Prices based on Lawn Area up to 3500sqft.

3 Payment Plan Available March, June, Aug 1st
Additional charges apply for larger properties.
Commercial Services Available on request.